Conservation efforts have been a focus of Desert Fly Casters (DFC). We
routinely donate funds to various conservation efforts throughout the State. We
also continuously look for, and participate in, conservation activities.
*We have contributed Club Funds and encouraged Individual member donations to The White Mountain Lakes Foundation (WMLF);
*Contributed funds to Arizona Game and Fish Department (AZGFD) to support ongoing hatchery operations;
*We have hosted presentations by WMLF to raise funds for their initiatives on Becker Lake and other lakes including the evaluation and purchase of Aerators for AZGFD to help prevent winter kill in isolated lakes;
*Contributed funds for Silver Creek and Becker Lake Signage;
*Created and Conducted the DFC “Clean Up” trash bag collection 2013 campaign with stream, lakeshore and seashore clean-up activities during outings in three states and Mexico
*Club members have participated in Fence Removal and Installation projects on Canyon Creek;
*We've trapped (and eaten!!) invasive crayfish in the Mogollon Rim Lakes, and in the White Mountains as part of Club outings every year;
*Club members participated in gravel spreading activity for brown trout spawning beds in Canyon Creek;
*Several Club members attend and participate in the Annual AZ G&F / TU Native Trout Workshop every year, and report back key issues and opportunities to the Club;
*The Club has hosted a presentation by the Arizona Land and Water Trust on their efforts to conserve water in Arizona, and has referred and encouraged other fishing organizations to give them an opportunity to speak;
*Individual Club members act as e-mail communication “hubs” for the central Arizona Fly Fishing Community on many issues, frequently with a conservation focus;
*Club Members are very active in the management & planning for the Colorado River Management Plans;
*The Club has hosted several presentations by managers and staff from AZGFD;
*The Club maintains close relations with the AZGFD;
*Club presentations by key & directly involved AZGFD field managers on on-going projects and conservation opportunities;
*The Club has made a Challenge to other Fly Fishing clubs and individuals to raise that donation to $1500 if funds are matched;
*Both the Club Conservation Committee and individual members submitted Comment letters on the Environmental Impact Assessment as part of the development of the Glen Canyon National Recreation Area (Lee's Ferry Fishery) Comprehensive Management Plan
*The Club and individual members have participated in Sports Expositions, with a focus on conservation efforts and introducing new people to fly fishing and the opportunities in Arizona and around Phoenix;
*The Club has maintained a liason with the Zane Grey Chapter of Trout Unlimited,and with the AZ State Council of TU, and has participated in the dialogs about conserving the OW Ranch sections of Canyon Creek, and about the opportunities to improve the Salt River Tailwaters trout fishery;
*DFC Members participate in two Salt River Saturdays river clean-up events twice annually;
*The DFC Board Conservation Chair maintains a list of Programs, Projects and Opportunities and reviews that list with the DFC Board periodically; and
*The individual members of the Club are encouraged to contribute suggestions to that list at any time. “Pet” projects are welcome!
The Desert Fly Casters works with the following groups and donates funds, their time and knowledge to each.
The local chapter for Trout Unlimited (TU) is the Zane Grey Trout Unlimited (ZGTU) chapter in Phoenix, AZ.